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Ommy Dallah

Dynamic duo consisting of two Lyn Klint King and Kena Kraizy YoungKing from Kawangware, Nairobi has premiered their latest single “Kawangware Kings” produced by AJ ft Motif, the video was directed by Kashkeed of Mainstream films.

Kawangware Kings is their third single and is dedicated to their hood Kawangware Massive where the two come from. 

With three tracks to their name the two are keen on making a name for themselves in the industry and are keen on working with other artistes locally and in East Africa. 

Speaking about their music and the industry, Kena Kraizy YoungKing says: “It’s My hope that Kenyans and East Africans will appreciate our music, buy our music and fall in love with our music, we put in a lot of work on the music we produce with diverse and authentic sounds from our roots.

Watch the video below


Upcoming female Reggae and Dancehall sensation Black Heart has dropped "Situation" fourth single off of the BLACK POWER E.P featuring Zj Mhat; an upcoming, massive talented signed under the Half Live record label.

Situation is an uplifting song mainly focusing on the youth for i believe, they are the future generation. The sweet infusion of Patois and Swahili (sheng) in the melodies makes it easier to cut across the message. 

Speaking on the new single an elated Black Heart says, “This is a dedication to any person undergoing through stuff in the daily hustle and bustle of life, I want to encourage them that No situation is permanent, worries and worrying is never a solution in life. They should have a positive and optimistic mind of conquering difficulties and wrong turns.

Speaking about the industry, Black Heart is optimistic that the industry is currently growing and Kenyans have started appreciating female artist more “We are making strides in the industry though small, but we are taking over East Africa as the Power house in the entertainment industry in the region.

watch the video below


After a successful week-long public screenings to communities in Kakuma and Daadab refugee camp, the annual FilmAid festival is back in Nairobi .

The festival in its 11th year is set to showcase films and hold panel discussions with various stakeholders in the film industry and humanitarian organisations from 17th to 22nd September in Nairobi.

This will be followed by the highlight of the festival – FilmAid Festival Award gala dinner.

This years showcase will include screening of 50 selected films in strategic areas within Nairobi targeting urban refugees, Kenyans as well as the international community.

This year, the festival received over 1400 submission from creative storytellers, artists, filmmakers, journalists and photographers across the globe.  

Speaking on the project, FilmAid Executive Director said, "We are thrilled with the submissions we got this year, the numbers improved significantly and this shows our commitment and vision of informing, inspiring and empowering refugees and marginalized populations is bearing fruit".

This year’s theme for the festival is My story. My voice. Your move.” a non-confrontational demand for dialogue, and is a self-confident assertion that refugee voices be included in any dialogue about their lives and their future.

The theme also captures the dynamism, determination and ‘swag’ of FilmAid’s remarkable Media training Class of 2018.

The film festival is held annually and it strives to fulfill FilmAid’s vision of informing, inspiring and empowering refugees and other marginalized populations throughout the world.

Through FilmAid’s extensive programming in Nairobi, Kakuma and Daadab, each year, FilmAid is able to train, support and empower more than 100 refugee youth to tell their own stories through the power of film.

This year’s festival will see around 14 student films from Kakuma and Daadab showcased. These include 6 fiction films and 8 documentaries.

The refugee films will additionally be shared through FilmAid’s online platforms, including the website, YouTube, Vimeo and linked through social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), and international film festivals.

Nigerian star Tiwa Savage has taken to social media to express her frustration after being left stranded at a Nairobi hotel with unpaid bills, this comes just hours after she attended Redsan's 'Baddest' album launch at the KICC where she was also among the performers.

The singer went ahead to explain how the promoters failed to pick her calls even after making several calls.

There was also no vehicle to take her to the airport.

Tiwa tweeted “Checking out of the hotel and full accommodation not paid for, no car to take us to the airport and promoters want to talk trash about artists” 

She went ahead to state Funny how everyone is asleep and phones are off after the show but they blow up your phone when they need you for radio and press runs before the show”.

She however maintained her love for Kenya and fans "I love KENYA always have and always will'.

"We shall still continue in this though because the fans deserve better regardless of what happens behind the scenes".

There has been no word from Redsan and the organisers of the event concerning Tiwa's misfortunes so far.

There has been a change of guard at the Mombasa county Inspectorate Department with the Director Mohamed Amir sent on compulsory leave with immediate effect.
Mombasa governor Hassan Ali Joho has appointed his close ally Said Gullet alias Nyerere to an acting capacity, taking over from Amir . 
The change of guard has come as a surprise to the county inspectorate department since Amir is perceived to be an elder brother to the governor.
Before his new appointment Nyerere was the  Director of Projects in the governor's office.
Efforts to get his comment were futile after calls went unanswered.
The outgoing county inspectorate director Amir  took over the position early this year and has served for less than a year with  his last function being last month when he launched operations to get rid of beggars in the Central Business District area.
Amir took over from Nahid Musa who retired early this year.
Nyerere was a police reservist during President Moi's regime.
Mombasa County Senator Mohamed Fakii, Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nassir, County peace committees and HAKI Africa have come out to strongly condemn the killing of Mohamed Mwatsau a.k.a Jirongo by armed criminal gangs, Mwatsau was a member of the peace committee in Kisauni sub county.
 It is reported that eight youth armed with pangas and knives descended on Mr Mwatsau at his home on Thursday evening seriously injuring him. He was rushed to hospital where he succumbed to the injuries. 
"Mr. Mwatsau was a law abiding citizen who worked closely with community and security authorities to promote peace and cohesion in Kisauni and Mombasa in general. His demise is a big blow to peace all over the county" said Mr Faiswal Bahero, Mombasa Island peace Committee chair.
"We hereby appeal to the police, particularly County Commander Mr Ipara, to pursue the attackers of Mohamed Mwatsau aka Jirongo and ensure they are arrested and charged in court. No person, youth or aged, should be allowed to get away with acts of violence and murder such as the one witnessed in the past week" he added.
Bahero also revealed that they will be holding public barazas all over the county in partnership with the administration and police to support peace and cohesion. The barazas are expected to kick off next week. This will also be in line with the new police reforms which they have proposed that community policing regulations be implemented first before the police start integrating with members of the public.
Bahero charged " While we appreciate and commend the recently announced police reforms, we appeal to the government to implement the reforms gradually and not at once. For the case of Mombasa, the situation is volatile at the moment and getting police integrated within communities right now may do more harm than good."
"We first request that community policing regulations be implemented so that we integrate the police command structure and county government with members of the public. We then appeal to the authorities to give the Peace committees some time to first roll out dialogue meetings to promote peace and security before rolling out the police integration plan" he added 
On his part Senator Mohammed Faki called for the re introduction of the  Nyumba  kumi system arguing this will help in curbing insecurity.
"Its now high time we re-introduce the Nyumba kumi system, we are living in a society where we even don't know our neighbours and what they do" argued Faki.
He also called on Mombasa residents to be on the forefront on the fight against insecurity urging parents to play the central role and avoid shielding Children with criminal elements.
Faki charged "Security starts with us, we need to be all on the look out, we need to report any suspicious character to the police. As parents we also need to very concern about the behaviours of our children and not just be defending them".
Mvita Mp Abdulswamad Nassir also called on the police to sped up investigations on Jirongo's murder and ensure those responsible are brought to book.
"It does not make sense someone just walks into the house and hacks someone. The government through the police need to come out and explain this to us, how does it happen with all those investments like the CCTVs. we need anwers" said Nassir
He also emphasized o the need for the government to first let the peace committees engage members of the public on the new police reforms and set the mood and environment before allowing the police to integrate with the community.
"You cannot just wake up and tell the police to now start integrating with members of the public, we will be creating  disaster by doing so. Lets give the peace committees time to do their work first"  argued Nassir.
"Imagine a police posted at Makupa police station being told to submit his gun at 3am at the station after his shift then head to his house in Shanzu, this is dangerous" he added 
According to Haki Africa cass of insecurity have been on the rise especially i Kisauni, Mlaleo, Brasheba, Bakarani, Mtopanga, Vikwatani and Kiembeni among other places in Mombasa.
Sunday, 16 September 2018 12:52

Weekend top 10 songs in Coast

Check out the songs that have made it to the top 10 Coast music chart for this weekend courtesy of Pili Pili fm.

10 . Zagada-Brown Mauzo
9. Bahati&David wonder-Nimpende
8 . Unanidatisha - Khaligraph jones ft Ray c
7 . Nai boi -2 in 1
6. Hello - Nyashinski
5. SunshineGal - frankie Dee
4 . Nyanga - Dazlah kiduche
3. Oliel - Octopizzo (Number nane)
2. Wataisoma Number - Kelechi Africana
1.Baby love - Otile brown

Tracks in wait

Saturday, 15 September 2018 12:36

Avril releases new video dubbed 'In Love'

Avril has just released her latest video dubbed 'In Love'.

In Love is an Afro pop song that speaks to all the couples, it has been  written by Tommy Flavour.

Watch the video below.



The team that brought you the most successful TV pilot in this country’s history #BecauseLove with more than 1.1 Million views online across Africa, Tony Tini Tone Productions (TTT) presentsTHE MONEY THAT MADE HIM POOR.

A new theatre production directed and written by award-winning acclaimed writer and producer Tina Nduba.

The play that tackles themes of Greed, Power and Family is set to premiere this September with 12 shows lined up at the Louis Leakey Auditorium from 27th - 30th Sept .

TTT has assembled a star-studded cast including respected actors like Benson Ochungho who has more than 18 years’ experience in acting and has been featured on top Kenyan shows and Lucy Mwachala the experienced veteran who has been featured in several notable platforms including Phoenix Players.

Fairly newcomers on the acting front and high profile media influencers Noah Chiruyi, Sean Andrews and Anne Mwaura host of 'The Fuse' on Capital FM join in on the cast team.

Multi-talented artiste Pascal Tokodi, the star of Selina on Mnet will be hosting all the shows with acoustic performances by top songstress of the “Nairobi” hit fame: Mayonde.

Ahead of its premiere , Mwangi Njanja, Head of Creative at TTT says, “We are a bunch of Kenyans who are passionate about telling African stories through the creation of some of the best shows in the country"

"This is a bona fide hit show of 2018 as we have assembled the tip-top talent in the country drawn from the fields of acting, writing, PR, photography, audiovisual and media personalities,” he added

Even though this  is a theatre production, its promotions are going all out the movie kind.

Already its trailer has been shot and directed by the award-winning Kenyan filmmaker Mbithi Masya of the acclaimed Kenyan film: “Kati Kati”, with the promo images of the cast members shot and directed by celebrity photographer Tintseh.


THE MONEY THAT MADE HIM POOR is a story of WB played by Noah Chiruyi an acting prodigy who is sure to take the acting scene in Kenya by storm. 

WB is a young man who is forced into Nairobi’s way of corruption and backdoor deals. After the death of his father, he is forced to choose between Family and Fortune. 

Ann Mwaura plays Sofia, the daughter of a corrupt billionaire with Sean Andrews playing Melphon, one of Sofia’s best friends who is scheming for wealth.

Lucy Mwachala plays Ma, Benson Ochung’o plays Sam and Barbra Nyambura plays Tabitha – the accountant. Mildred Sakina who plays Betina from the TV show #becauselove introduces the fact that THE MONEY THAT MADE HIM POOR is a 5-year prequel to #becauselove.

Kenyan female singer and songwriter  Viola Karuri has partnered with Tanzanian artist Barnaba in her latest single dubbed 'Leo'.

Viola is famous for her swahili adaptation of the world's most watched song on YouTube 'Despacito'.

Watch her latest video below