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Boost For Kwale Teachers Training College As President Ruto Honours Promise

Boost For Kwale Teachers Training College As President Ruto Honours Promise Featured

Early days in office President  William Ruto did a stop over at the newly built Kwale Teachers Training Collage while on a tour of the great County of Kwale.

Enthralled with the great work and progress being oversighted by the County Government under the leadership of Governor Fatuma Achani, he promised to donate a collage bus that will facilitate chauffeuring services for collage community.   

True to his word the president delivered a 40-seater bus to the collage through the County Government of Kwale.

Receiving the kind gesture from the president on behalf of the Collage, the Kwale Governor said that she is not surprised because the President has always kept his promises.

“The President is a man of his word, he promised to tour Kwale immediately after elections and he did that, he promised to revamp the blue economy in Kwale, and he has done that, and he is still doing it through the Cabinet Secretary Blue Economy, Mining and Maritime Affairs Hon. Salim Mvurya” said Madam Achani.

The Governor added that she will be collaborating with the National Government and other development partners to complement her efforts and resources to ensure the people of Kwale get sustainable socio-economic development.

She elaborated that during her first year in office she encouraged a lot of courtesy calls ranging from diplomats, national and international organizations to individuals to discuss areas of mutual interest and engagement. These meetings and deliberations have seen so much positive activities happening in the county. She noted that, Counties all over Kenya have limited resources and it requires wisdom and strategic planning to actualize county issues.  

The County leadership has urged the Teachers Collage Management to take good care of the gift as they look for more donors to sponsor other sectors at the facility. On the other hand, the Collage said that the bus will help to cut cost on education tours and other transport related costs. In addition, it has created an employment opportunity for driver, mechanic and a conductor. 

The Kwale County Attorney Suleiman Gombeni said that all County matters should be deliberated, and decision made after consideration of the constitutional provisions. This he said is to ensure that the County doesn’t m  spend so much money on litigation and disputes.

Mr Gombeni was referring to the recent social media trend debate about a ban on Mogakaa. He added that as a county legal team they had to sit and analyze all legal implications and the possible court battles that may have led to spending a lot on court cases. This expenditure was avoided after the Governor Fatuma Achani agreed to our legal opinion on the matter.

He said the country is being governed by law all matters should be handled as such.

The County Government of Kwale didn’t went against other  Coast Counties decision to ban Mogakaa that was spearheaded by Mombasa Governor Abduswamad Nasir. Instead the county decided to sign into County law a bill that has seen increase of charges to Mugokaa imports and sale in Kwale.  The new rates will see a guaranteed rise in revenue collection.

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