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Mombasa Residents Urged to Take Part In Anti-Finance Bill Protests As CS Kindiki Warns Against Lawlessness

Mombasa Residents Urged to Take Part In Anti-Finance Bill Protests As CS Kindiki Warns Against Lawlessness

As the country warms up to another wave of anti-finance protests on Tuesday spearheaded by the youths, Mombasa residents have been urged to also come out and join the protests.

The protests, largely driven by Generation Z, have escalated from initial outcries on TikTok to widespread street demonstrations. These protests have reached various social spaces, including nightclubs, as young Kenyans express their opposition to the Finance Bill.

The protests are expected to continue throughout the week, with organized efforts on social media platforms such as X Spaces building a massive movement. Reports have surfaced alleging that authorities have kidnapped several influencers active on these platforms.

In his message to Mombasa youth, Mombasa Walk Movement founder Idris Abdirahman said the finance bill will impact every Kenyan.

"My fellow Mombasa residents, I am calling on all of you to come out and be counted tomorrow by joining the protests against the Finance Bill 2024.This Finance Bill affects each one of us in different ways. It is imperative that we all stand together and make our concerns known." said Idris
Adding "I am calling on the Mombasa County Security Team to be present and provide security during tomorrow’s peaceful protests as they have a crucial role in ensuring the safety of the demonstrators as they exercise their democratic rights.I also urge residents and local organizations to extend their support in any way possible including providing essentials such as water, medical services, and other necessary support that will help the demonstrators and ensure their voices are heard effectively.
On Monday a group of f anti-Finance Bill protesters stormed the office of Nyali MP Mohamed Ali to express their dissatisfaction over the MP's alleged failure to declare a stand on the Finance Bill 2024. Ali was absent at the National Assembly when his counterparts were voting for the Finance Bill 2024.
The youthful group marched to his Nyali office during which they sought his answers on whether he supports the Finance Bill or not.
On Sunday evening Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir raised his concern over the cases of abduction of those involved in the protests.
"The rate of so called unknown abductions clearly indicates a return of an era Kenyans had wished away. You cannot silence a people through making them disappear. A young boy was abducted today at Bamburi Go Kart and others abducted in Nairobi. This is definately not the Kenya we want." posted Nassir 
Addressing the media on Monday, Interior CS Kithure Kindiki announced that Kenyans who wish to protest can do so everyday provided they adhere with the rule of law.
The CS noted that each citizen had a right to demonstrate peacefully.
He cautioned the protesters against involving themselves in unlawful activities during the protests.
"Whatever the matter, the rule of law and public order must be maintained by all persons. Those who wish to exercise their constitutional right can do so today, tomorrow, or everyday because it is their right to do so." said Kindiki.
Adding ""But you must also adhere to the rule of law and they need to make sure that other members of the public who are not interested in what they are doing or hold a contrary view are not inconvenienced or harassed in any manner including the transportation of the people," 
Kindiki added that the protestors should notify the police of their intent to demonstrate, including the routes they will follow during the exercise and the exercise must stop at sunset or 6:30 p.m.

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