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Invest In Sports To Fight Drug Abuse, Mp Mwinyi Tells Mombasa County

Invest In Sports To Fight Drug Abuse, Mp Mwinyi Tells Mombasa County Featured

Changamwe Mp Omar Mwinyi Omar Mwinyi has challenged the Mombasa county government to invest heavily in sports activities to boost it's fight against drug abuse.

Speaking on Thursday at the Kenya School of Government Mombasa, Mwinyi said Sports is critical in bringing up responsible youths able to eke a living and putting them away from the vice.

"Right now there is a debate goin on concerning the banning of a certain drug, I don't want to mention it's name because it belongs to the same category as all other drugs. Mine is just to tell the Mombasa to ensure that they invest heavily in sporting activities to help our youth stay away from these drug" said Mwinyi.

Adding "During our days we used to have local football teams in each and every area in Mombasa. Nobody had time for drugs because we would spend most of our time in the playing fields and not idling around taking the drugs."

On Tuesday Mombasa Deputy Governor Francis Thoya launched a  10-day campaign against consumption of Muguka in the county.

The campaign  which will involve political and religious leaders, stakeholders will include radio and Tv talk shows, street protests, community and school engagements. visiting rehabilitation centres, offering counseling services among other activities.


Mp Mwinyi further called on the Mombasa county government to come up with a strategy to improve the intake of students from the county to universities.

Mwinyi argued that education is also another avenue of fighting the vice of drug abuse.

Mwinyi charged "It is so shameful that the number of university intake in Makueni county alone is more that all Coast counties combined, something needs to be done." 

He added "If you round our county now, you will see students at home because of lack of school fees, let the county government change it's ways and strategies on issuance of bursaries and scholarships."




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