Thursday, 09 May 2024 | Login
Tips To Make The Most Of The Perfect Long Weekend

Tips To Make The Most Of The Perfect Long Weekend

Everybody loves a long weekend, right? But let’s be real—this time of year is full of tasty treats but can also be a pretty stressful period.

Work demands, family demands, and social obligations always seem to rev up and continue at full throttle throughout the year. 

Manage the mania and have a relaxing and fun holiday season by using a few of our UberEats holiday hacks below:

#1 – Operating hours to feed your cravings any time

Whether you have shopped till you dropped, are planning a full-on Easter Egg session, or have lost track of time thanks to spending hours on a call/video call with an overseas-based loved one, Uber Eats will take care of that dinner or breakfast thanks to our operating hours.

UberEats also has 24/7 in-app service available with select restaurants. 

#2 - Get the gang. Order in. Split the bill
End the annoying challenge of chasing everyone for their orders and splitting the bill and with the latest group order feature. Simply select a restaurant and send out a link to the people you want in your order. People in turn pick what they want and pay for their items, so no one gets stuck footing the bill. 

The feature comes with set deadlines for group orders and auto-reminders for everyone to place their orders. 

#3 – Track your deliveries to plan a successful and well organised meal

Running out of time? No worries, UberEats has an option to schedule your orders in advance for those who want to plan their day. You can schedule orders up to a week in advance and track your order throughout the process of delivery to ensure that you receive it at your desired location and time. 

UberEats allows you to specify a date and time for your food to be delivered. Tap "View Cart" after selecting your food. UberEats customers can place orders in advance for a scheduled delivery window.

You can order anytime up to an hour before the desired delivery window and as much as a week in advance. The date and time of your reservation must be during the restaurant's business hours.

This lets you spend more time setting the table and picking a playlist than stirring the sauce. 

#4 - Make sure you find the right cuisine for your get-together

One of the most appealing aspects of the UberEats app is the diversity in cuisine experiences offered by the restaurants on the app. UberEats boasts a wide range of local cuisine options such as Swahili, West African and Chinese, among others. 

You can discover the best of your city and just like the five star rating system you know and love in the Uber app, you can see what others have rated a restaurant. In addition to eaters flocking to their regular takeout favourites, we have seen a trend where many customers are opting for healthier meal choices and exploring different types of restaurants. Users can also look up restaurants according to specific criteria like speed, price, and dietary constraints. Want to see all gluten free options available within 30 minutes? No problem.              

#5 – UberEats caters to the needs of the health and fitness conscious

The holidays just wouldn’t feel right without indulging, but at a certain point, our bodies and taste buds start to crave something a little lighter than the typical holiday fare.

Those who are planning to detox or simply want to stick to healthier meals after their holiday cheat days, can quickly get back on track with UberEats. Making healthier choices has never been easier!

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