Wednesday, 16 October 2024 | Login
some of the participants of the Uganda 62nd Health run held in Daresalaam, Tanzania some of the participants of the Uganda 62nd Health run held in Daresalaam, Tanzania

Go For Regular Medical Checks, Tanzanians Told

Tanzanians have been urged to go for regular medical check ups to avoid late diagnosis of diseases.

Speaking during a medical camp and walk organised by Medinova specialised polyclinic and the Uganda embassy in Tanzania, Medinova customer relations and communications manager Evelyn August emphasized the need for regular check ups noting that most people have ended up being victims of late diagnosis.

" My plea to Tanzanians is please let's prioritize going for regular medical check ups. Do not wait until you are sick for you to visit a medical facility. You need to go for the check ups at least once a year" said August.

Adding " During this medical camp which has also been a way of marking Uganda's 62 years of Independence, we have been able to test several diseases including diabetes, pressure BMI among others."

On her part Comfort Amviko, foreign service officer at the Uganda embassy called for more cooperation between Tanzania and Uganda.

"We came together to celebrate the Independece of Uganda as good neighbours. We started the day with a fitness run which was very successful." said Amviko.

Adding" Let us all be mindful of health and strive to live healthy."

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